Thursday, 14 May 2009

Ian's Link Dump 14th May 2009


MVVM with Slider that Chooses Which Model to Display (Ed Tanguay)

MVVM Approach: Big Smart ViewModels, Dumb Views and Any Model (Ed Tanguay)

So What is XAMLFest?

First Virtual Silverlight Developer and Designer Network Meeting

Flash vs Silverlight on Smashing Magazine

nRoute and MVVM - A Match Made in C#

15 Excellent and Useful Silverlight Tutorials and Resources

New York Times Silverlight Kit Now Open Source

Customising DataPager

RadScheduler for Silverlight

Building a Data-Driven Expenses App With Silvrlight 3 (MSDN Magazine)

Alpha Video with Silverlight 3 Pixel Shaders


Two Fixes You Must Have for Visual Studio 2008

New Version of AJAX Toolkit

The Identity Developer Training Kit

Visual Studio 2010 Beta 1 Expected as Soon as Next Week

Grid Computing on the Cloud Platform Part 1

Entity Framework 4: What Is and Is Not Supported

Update on the Entity Framework V2 in .NET 4 and Visual Studio 2010

A Lap Around the Entity Framework from the DBA's Perspective (screencast)

Sneak Preview: N-Tier Development with Entity Framework V4

Microsoft Visual Studio AJAX Profiling Extensions Power Tool

Why Messaging #4: So How's It Going?

Windows 7

Installing Windows from a Flash Drive


Styling Your Lists


Learn to Create the Film Look


The Evolution of a Web Site Design (StackOverflow DevDays)

Six Things to Think About When Building a Web Site

10 Ways to Launch a New Blog with a Bang

25 Logos with Hidden Messages

10 Things to Check Before Using a Captcha

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